Gryphons Lacrosse Nominations for Executive Positions
Executive positions shall be elected at the AGM by the general membership.
Nominations for executive positions shall be nominated by members in good standing and submitted no less than 24hrs prior to the scheduled AGM. In the event no nominations are submitted prior to deadline, nominations will be taken from the floor.
In the event an Executive position is not filled at the AGM or is vacated prior to the AGM, the Executive may appoint vacant position(s) on an interim basis until the next AGM.
The President, Vice-President of New Programs, Secretary and Registrar will be two (2) year elected positions in odd years.
The Vice-President of Box Lacrosse, Vice-President of House League and Treasurer will be two (2) year elected positions in even years.
The position of President can only be elected from Directors who have served a minimum of one (1) year on the Board of Directors.
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